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Antonidas Realm Population Status And Guild Rankings In World Of Warcraft

Antonidas Realm Population Status and Guild Rankings in World of Warcraft


Antonidas, a connected realm in World of Warcraft's North American region, has experienced significant changes in its population and guild rankings. According to recent data, it is currently the most populated server for the European Union region.

Population Statistics

As of today, Antonidas has a population of 851 rows. This makes it one of the most populated servers in the EU region, attracting players from various countries and guilds.

Guild Rankings

In terms of guild rankings, Antonidas has seen a competitive landscape. Several prominent guilds have established themselves at the top of the Mythic rankings for various classes and roles. This includes guilds such as Progress, Echo, and Liquid, which have consistently performed well in high-end raiding content.


With its large population and competitive guild scene, Antonidas is an attractive destination for players looking to join established guilds or form their own. Guilds on Antonidas are actively recruiting new members to fill their ranks and tackle the latest raids.


The high population and competitive guild scene on Antonidas make it a popular choice for players seeking a lively and challenging environment. Its status as the most populated EU server further enhances its appeal, attracting players from across the region.
