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Moldavian Flag

The History and Symbolism of the Moldovan Flag

A Vertical Triband of Blue, Yellow, and Red

The national flag of the Republic of Moldova, known as the Drapelul Moldovei, is a vertical triband of blue, yellow, and red. The blue stripe represents the sky and the Prut River, the yellow stripe represents the sun and wheat fields, and the red stripe represents the blood of those who have fought for the country's independence.

In the center of the flag is the country's coat of arms, which features an eagle with a cross in its beak and a scepter and orb in its talons. The eagle is a symbol of strength and independence, while the cross represents Christianity. The scepter and orb represent the country's sovereignty.

The Moldovan flag was adopted in 1990, after the country declared independence from the Soviet Union. The flag is similar to the flag of Romania, but the shade of blue is slightly different.
